NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.

About Us

Concrete Canoe is one of UConn’s most prestigious civil engineering student groups that puts each team member’s problem solving skills to the test. Concrete Canoe is involved within a larger student chapter of ASCE, a national society of civil engineers. This society has long supported student groups like Concrete Canoe, which allows students to truly apply themselves in a way where they can see the real-life, tangible results of their hard work.

Each year,  the student organization is dedicated to building a concrete canoe and participating in a nationwide competition.

The Challenge:

– Design an appropriate concrete mix

– Choose the best type and amount of reinforcement

– Transport the canoe to the competition venue

– Give a panel presentation

– Deliver an in-depth design paper

– Race against other teams in the canoe we make!


  • the dairy fairy canoe displayed at competition

Our Mission

the team gathered together with a lake in background posing with paddles proudly at competition

The University of Connecticut Concrete Canoe Association challenges engineering students to apply civil engineering principles in the design, construction, and racing of a canoe made entirely of concrete.

Other objectives include:

  • Increasing general awareness of concrete technology and its innovative applications
  • Providing a platform for students to apply and expand their engineering knowledge in a practical, hands-on environment
  • Fostering the professional development of aspiring civil engineers, preparing them for successful careers in the industry.


Founded in 2013, UConn Concrete Canoe been making waves ever since! Here are some of our past accomplishments:

caricature of dog with a wood paddle in its mouth in a concrete boat floating on waves - concrete canoe logo
previous members standing around a canoe suspended by ropes that is themed as the different engineering majors at UConn

From 2013 to 2017, UConn climbed from 14th to 10th to 8th place!

the 4430 pineapple express canoe display with graphs and information of chalkboards and glass beakers displaying materials

The 4430 Express placed 4th at the 2017 ASCE Northeast Regional

the dairy fairy canoe along with the display that resembles an ice cream stand and the sectional showing each layer of the canoe

With sweet victory, the 2017 Dairy Fairy claimed 2nd overall at competition

graveyacht canoe with skeleton sitting in it with a happy expression on its face

With a spooktacular competition in 2019, Graveyacht placed 2nd

kaiju kanoe design paper cover showing a giant ape with a canoe in one hand and the other hanging onto a skyscraper

During Covid, the Kaiju Kanoe terrorized the competition by winning 1st place in 2021

concrete crustacean display that resembles a fish stand with fake lobster traps and a chalkboard displaying information

The Concrete Crustacean swam to 4th overall in 2024

A Flash Into the Past

1974 UConn Daily Campus Article

old 1974 newspaper featuring concrete canoe with a heading as: "UConn canoe launching becomes concrete reality" and images of moving and riding the canoe

Past Canoes

  • the concrete crustacean design paper cover which is an underwater view of a lobster trap hanging from a rope connected to the canoe above it